Acts Who Performed at the Chez Paree

Joey Adams
Allen and Rossi
Carmen Amaya
Morrie Amsterdam
Andrews Sisters
Toni Arden
Louis Armstrong
Carolyn Ayres
Johnny Bachemin
Pearl Bailey
Belle Baker
Jackie Barnett
Barr and Estes
Sheila Barrett
Gracie Barrie
Dave Barry
Barry Sisters
The Barrys
Gene Baylos
The Beachcombers
Lou Belson
Bert Bender
Tony Bennett
Edgar Bergen
Polly Bergen
Milton Berle
Al Bernie
Joey Bishop
Blackburn Twins
Blair and Dean
Ben Blue
John Boles
Ray Bolger
Ted Boyer
Bobby Breen
Lou Breeze
Brenda and Sacardi
Norman Brooks
Ames Brothers
Lou Brownie
Carol Bruce
Bruno and the Margaret Sisters
Bryant and the Terry Sisters
Little Buck
Julie Buffano
Henry Busse
Red Buttons
Cab Calloway
Fran Cameo
Kitty Carlisle
Allan Carney
Jean Carroll
Mindi Carson
Jack Carter
Lita Gray Chaplin
Chaz Chase
Guy Cherney
Don Cherry
Chez Paree Adorables
Don Chiesta
Jane Christie
Gay Claridge
Lou Clayton
Buff Cobb
Myron Cohen
Jack Cole
Kathy Cole
Nat Cole
Emil Coleman
Dorothy Collins
Condos and Brandow
Consola and Melba
Dick Contino
Copsey and Ayres
Diosa Costello
Costello Twins
Craft Brothers
Crosby Brothers
Cross and Dunn
Xavier Cugat
Crew Cuts
Maggie Daly
Vic Damone
Dorothy Dandridge
Billy Daniels
Bobbie Darin
David and Reese
Cee Davidson
Sammy Davis, Jr.
Sammy Davis, Sr.
De Marcos
De Marlos
De Mattiazzis
Decastro Sisters
Beverly Dennis
Johnny Desmond
George Dewitt
Dewood and Allan
Di Gatos
Lou Diamond
Dorothy Dorben
Mike Douglas
Morton Downey
Paul Draper
Katherine Dunham
The Dunhills
Jack Durant
Jimmy Durante
Billy Eckstine
Jack Eigen
Elkins Sisters
Billy Falbo
Brian Farnon
Frances Faye
Jean Fenn
Benny Fields
Gracie Fields
Shep Fields
Ted Fio Rito
Fisher and Marks
Ella Fitzgerald
The Footnotes
Phil Foster
Franklin and Lewis
Frazee Sisters
Bert Frohman
Jane Froman
Sylvia Froos
Zsa Zsa Gabor

The Gadabouts
Tess Gardella
Judy Garland
Eddie Garr
Betty George
Paul Gilbert
Jackie Gleason
The Goofers
Eydie Gorme
Marty Gould
Grace and Nicco
Billy Gray
Joel Gray
Helen Grayco
Mitzie Green
Shecky Green
Halena Gregoy
Paul Grey
Morty Gunty
Paul Haakon
Buddy Hackett
Hagget, Mitzi and Bell
Hamilton Trio
Happy Jesters
Harmonica Rascals
Harrison and Shore
The Hartmans
Delores Hawkins
Peter Lind Hayes
Dick Haymes
Mary Healy
Delores Heft
The Hightowers
Libby Holman
Lou Holtz
Bob Hope
Lena Horne
Winifred Hovler
Sonny Howard
Betty Hutton
Jane Hutton
Eddie Jackson
Alicia Jayne
George Jessel
The Johnstones
Spike Jones
Will Jordan
Kitty Kallen
Chandra Kaly
Jackie Kannon
Danny Kaye
Georgie Kaye
Mary Kaye Trio
Betty and Jane Kean
Al Kelly
Gene Kelly
Lenny Kent
Allan King
Carol King
Sonny King
Kirby Stonefour
Beatrice Kraft
Stan Kramer
Irv Kupcinet
Frankie Laine
Abbe Lane
Minda Lang
Frances Langford
Julius Larosa
Peter Lawford
Jay Lawrence
Steve Lawrence
Ricky Layne
Jimmy Lee
Jack E. Leonard
Tommy Leonetti
Ben Lessey
Buddy Lester
Jerry Lester
Phil Levant
Sam Levenson
Jerry Lewis
Joe E. Lewis
Monica Lewis
Ted Lewis
Lewis Trio
Frank Libuse
Dicky Linn
Ella Logan
Nick Long, Jr.
Vincent Lopez
Estelle Loring
Los Borancos
Los Gatos
Beverly Luster
Abe Lyman
Herb Lyon
Luba Malina
Manor and Mignon
Maria and Floria
Rose Marie
Marian Marlowe
Micky Marlower
Joan Marshall
Dean Martin
Tony Martin
Johnnie Martin
Chico Marx
Mary, Raye and Naldi
Jackie Mason
Jana Mason
Will Mastin
Mata and Hari
Johnny Mathis
Marilyn Maxwell
Mayo Brothers
Marie McDonald
Ryan and McDonald
McGuire Sisters
Sheila and Gordon McRae
Pam Merryman
George Metaxa
Ralph H. Metcalfe
Velma Middleton
Jackie Miles

Folie Miller
Kenny Milton
Harry Mimmo
Bora Minnivitch
Skeets Minton
Carmen Miranda
Adelaide Moffett
Gaby Monet
Joe Mooney
Pattie Moore
Al Morgan
Helen Morgan
Russ Morgan
Stewart Morgan Dancers
Gary Morton
Zero Mostel
Dean Murphy
Pay Murphy
Jan Murray
Maria Neglia
Nickie and Noel
Nickolas Brothers
Gertrude Niesen
Larry Nixon
Nick Noble
Noonan and Marshall
Helen O’Connell
Olsen and Johnson
Pattie Page
Frank Parker
Berniece Parks
Eddie Peabody
Marguerite Piazza
Babe Pier
Eleanor Powell
Jane Powell
Georgie Price
Priesser Sisters
Louie Prima
Pryde and Day
Carl Ravazza
Johnny Ray
Boyn Rayburn
Martha Raye
Cy Reeves
Phil Regan
Harry Richman
Ben Rigley
Betty Riley
Ritz Brothers
Gale Robbins
Chet Roble
Guy Rodriguez
Helen Rose
Jessie Rosella
Lillian Roth
Jack Roth
Rowan and Martin
Benny Rubin
Rudenko Brothers
Janice Ruhl
Connie Russell
Jean Sablon
Mort Sahl
Dorothy Sarnoff
Jimmy Savo
Judy Scott
Edna Sedgewick
Ted Shapiro
Mickey Sharpe
Pasy Shaw
Winnie Shaw
Dick Shawn
Gene Sheldon
Roberta Sherwood
Willie Shore
Ethel Shutta
Paul Sidell
Ernie Simon
Arthur Lee Simpkins
Sims and Bailey
Frank Sinatra
Red Skelton
Estelle Sloan
Mary Small
Keeley Smith
Son and Sonny
Ann Southern
Jeri Sothern
Step Brothers
Harvey Stone
Larry Storch
Tanya nad Biagi
June Taylor
Peggy Talyor
Taylor Miads
Danny Thomas
Kay Thompson
Larry Thompson
Tina and Coca
Al Trahan
Helen Traubel
The Treniers
Sophie Tucker
The Vagabonds
Lupe Valez
Valez, Corrine, and Tito
Gloria Van
Gus Van
Varsity Eight
Sarah Vaughan
Veloz and Yolanda
Romo Vincent
Billy Vine
Mike Wallace
Fran Warren
Tony Weitzel
Wells and Four Fays
Senor Wences
Wesson Brothers
Mae West
Frances Williams
Lou Wills
Paul Winchell
Yacht Club Boys
Ben Yost
Henny Youngman